Bycatch in Mandapam, India. Pohto by T. Vaidyanathan / Project Seahorse

Other Resources

Lobo, A. S., Balmford, A., Arthur, R. and Manica, A. (2010) Commercializing bycatch can push a fishery beyond economic extinctionConservation Letters, 3: 277–285. doi:10.1111/j.1755-263X.2010.00117.x.

International Collective in Support of Fisherworkers- Indian Legal Instruments

Know your fish

Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (Indian Council of Agricultural Research)

Trawling and trash: time to target our take: Blog by Amanda CJ Vincent

Far Too Much Miscellany: Blog by Amanda CJ Vincent

When There’s Light: Blog by Amanda CJ Vincent

Endangered seahorse ends up as poultry feed, fish food,  article in Times of India, local and national editions:

Media coverage on bottom trawling

Lately, bottom trawling as an issue has been covered widely by the media. Ironically, the trigger has not been the massive impacts on the environment but rather Sri Lanka’s decision to ban Bottom Trawling in July and the need for a resolution to stop cross-border fishing, particularly by Indian trawlers in Sri Lankan waters. While acknowledging the devastating effects, there is now a push for diversification to Deep Sea Fishing. Below are links to media coverage about bottom trawling (including geopolitical issues) and issues related to marine conservation.

Chinese engines: Fishers lock horns

Sri Lankan Navy arrests 13 Tamil Nadu fishermen for poaching with banned fishing nets

Wildlife Action Plan: More work ahead from a marine conservation perspective

Seafood calendar promotes sustainable, seasonal eating in India

India acts against bottom trawling

Deep blue sea for Tamil Nadu fisherfolk

All you need to know about Sri Lanka’s bottom trawling ban and India’s deep-sea fishing plan

Targeting trawling: the need for transition to deep sea fishing

Healing the sea: India must learn from Sri Lanka’s ban on bottom-trawling

Asia is trawling for a deadly fishing war

This campaign was made possible through the generous support of the International Conservation Fund of Canada (ICFC). ICFC is Canada’s leading conservation charity, working on direct conservation action to protect natural ecosystems and reduce threats, focusing on the tropics and other priority areas worldwide.

[Updated 14 July 2022]