Target Our Take, Stop Trawling

“Target Our Take, Stop Trawling” aims to alert India’s policy makers to the appalling forms of annihilation trawling that extract all ocean life indiscriminately, and urge them to take action to better manage their coastal resources. Trawling in India often no longer has a target, and a portion of this catch, and at times the whole catch, is dumped in to chicken or aquaculture feed.

In September 2017, Dr. Amanda Vincent, Director, Project Seahorse, and our PhD Candidate, Tanvi Vaidyanathan, visited India to engage with Fisheries and Forest department officials, and conservationists, to alert them to the threats to coastal fisheries by annihilation trawling, and together map a way forward.

We developed an array of resources for like-minded organizations to use while engaging with policy-makers to end the practice of annihilation trawling.

Project Team

The following Project Seahorse team members are involved in developing and executing this campaign: Amanda Vincent, Tanvi Vaidyanathan, Regina Bestbier, Scott Finestone and Faelan Prentice.

Project Sponsor

This campaign was made possible through the generous support of the International Conservation Fund of Canada (ICFC). ICFC is Canada’s leading charity, working on direct conservation action to protect natural ecosystems and reduce threats, focusing on the tropics and other priority areas worldwide.

[Updated 14 July 2022]