38 Results for: iSeahorse

iSeahorse turns ten today!

Since its launch in October 2013, iSeahorse has achieved remarkable milestones, primarily due to the contributions of dedicated community scientists. iSeahorse has received nearly 11,000 observations from divers, scientists, conservationists, and enthusiasts across the globe, filling crucial gaps in our understanding of seahorses’ distribution, conservation status, and more… #iseahorseturns10 #communityscience #citizenscience #seahorses

iSeahorse celebrates 10,000 observations: a milestone for community science and seahorse conservation

iSeahorse, a global platform for seahorse science and conservation, has reached a significant milestone with 10,000 observations submitted by community scientists. The 10,000th observation was made by Dennis Rabeling, a long-time and enthusiastic contributor to iSeahorse, of the short-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus hippocampus) species. … Read more

Hedgehog seahorses susceptible to bottom trawling

This lovely sea creature is a Hedgehog seahorse (Hippocampus spinosissimus) – it was photographed off the coast of the northern Philippines by iNaturalist user Francesco Ricciardi. The Hedgehog seahorse is frequently found on corals and sea sponges, as well as the sandy bottoms of the ocean where they  feed on small crustaceans and other planktonic …