Saving seahorses means saving the ocean 保护海马就是保护海洋
“Saving seahorses means saving the ocean” aims to mobilize Chinese organizations and institutions to save their rare, treasured and protected seahorses. Chinese seahorses and its ocean are heavily threatened by non-selective and destructive fishing gears that are now widely used in the nation. These gears like bottom trawlers not only cause overfishing but also desertify the ‘underwater forests’ such as coral reefs and seagrass beds.
We have developed an array of resources for like-minded organizations to use while engaging with policy-makers to end the practice of non-selective and destructive fishing such as bottom trawling.
Zhang, X., Bestbier, R.X., Finestone, S., Stanton, L.M. & A.C.J. Vincent (2017). 保护海马就是保护海 Saving seahorses means saving the ocean. Project Seahorse Conservation Outreach Toolkit. Launched 1 Nov 2017.