iSeahorse: seahorse conservation through citizen science
Urgent action is needed to track and protect seahorse populations around the world — and the few researchers focused on these important animals worldwide are not going be able to do it alone. Seahorses are threatened by overfishing, harmful fishing practices, and habitat degradation and loss — including the destruction of coral reefs. Every year, 15 to 20 million seahorses are caught and then traded, dead and alive, all over the world. They are displayed in aquariums, used as ingredients in traditional medicine, and turned into curios. Seahorses inhabit coral reefs, seagrasses, mangroves, and other coastal marine ecosystems that are highly affected by human activities leading to habitat destruction, while overfishing adds more pressure as large quantities of seahorses are captured as bycatch.
Wei, J., Stiem, T. & R, Pollom (2015). iSeahorse: seahorse conservation through citizen science. Reef Encounter, 30, 40-42.